Irene Lyon

Nervous system expert & master somatic practitioner
Irene’s mission is simple: using the power of the internet to help as many lives as possible through nervous system health and education. Here at Good Tuesday we are the full-service design agency to manage Irene’s online brand. Her website and entire online presence across multiple platforms are jam-packed with years of free content that needed to be considered in the user journey.


Brand System and Guidelines, Web Design & Development, Online Course Sales Page and Course Website, Promotional Event Graphics, Social Media Graphics, Free Resource PDFs



The Brand

When establishing the brand system for all of Irene’s courses and touch-points, it was a key consideration to seperate her from a spiritual industry and ground the brand in her scientific background and approach to healing. A few core elements define the visual system; the bold modern typography, the rough hand-drawn iconography, textural backgrounds, and the supporting nerve graphics.

Irene’s brand is a great example of how much creative range one can have while still maintaining brand cohesiveness. A colourful mixed supporting palette used on her free promotional and education material was an intentional choice. It was important to Irene to not choose a narrow niche but keep her brand feeling approachable to all who are open to healing.

The Website

After reviewing the customer user journey and establishing user profiles based on data and survey forms, energy was poured into simplifying the content hierarchy on the website and overall user experience. An easy-to-navigate mega menu intuitively organises the content. Focus was paid to actions that provided clarity for the new users, like the ‘New Here’ page, and specific attention went to the search function. At the same time, free downloadable PDFs were developed as guides for moving through the free content. The final website is a robust site, unique to Irene’s brand and an important tool to her business mission.

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Limited spaces available. I only book one website per month.